Discover the exhilarating true story of how The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers and their powerful black magick absolutely transformed my life, and triggered my eternal spiritual ascent like no other spirits can. With my advanced, uncensored grimoire as your personal guide, learn to perform rituals step by step that harness forces of magick that most mortals fear, and unlock gateways to life-changing experiences beyond the veil of this profane physical world. Chapter by chapter, you will tap into the infinite magick powers of life and death, love and sex, and awaken your psychic faculty through gnosis with the Demonic Kings and Queens of the Infernal Empire. By opening this Book of Shadows, and performing the self-initiations herein, you will learn priceless secrets about the Spirit World that most witches will never know... - Orlee Stewart was born in Toronto, Canada, where she graduated from art school and became a full-time illustrator. She underwent initiation as a priestess in numerous S...
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