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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021

Conexiones perdidas : causas reales y soluciones inesperadas para la depresión (9788412064438)

Hari sufrió de depresión desde niño y comenzó a tomar antidepresivos cuando era adolescente. Como a toda su generación, le dijeron que la causa de su problema era un desequilibrio químico en su cerebro. Pero años más tarde comenzó a investigar y aprendió que casi todo lo que nos han dicho sobre la depresión y la ansiedad es falso. Viajando por todo el mundo, Hari descubrió que los científicos sociales estaban descubriendo evidencias de que la depresión y la ansiedad no son causadas por un desequilibrio químico en nuestro cerebro, sino que son en gran parte consecuencia de problemas que tienen que ver con la forma en que vivimos hoy en día. Una vez identificadas nueve causas reales de depresión y ansiedad, Hari se dirigió a algunos científicos, que proponen soluciones radicalmente diferentes y que parecen funcionar. Conexiones perdidas nos lleva a un debate muy diferente sobre la depresión y la ansiedad, que muestra cómo, juntos, podemos acabar con esta epidemia. Un viaje épico que camb...

Schritte neu Grammatik (3190110816)

Schritte International neu A1-B1 Grammatik Product details Format Paperback | 216 pages Dimensions 210 x 280 x 17mm | 608g Publication date 07 Feb 2017 Publisher ...

Lust der Nacht (392992501X)

Es begann als Flirt, ein kleines Vergnügen, ein Ausbruch aus dem Alltag. Eben eine kleine Affäre am Rande. Als die beiden Frauen sich das erste Mal sahen, dort an der Bar, konnte Sanni die Neugier in den Augen von Chris sehen, aber sie ignorierte sie, als ahnte sie bereits, dass sie sich in diesen strahlend blauen Augen verlieren könnte. Sanni hatte ihr Leben geordnet und in ruhige Bahnen gelenkt, bis sie Chris traf. Denn wann immer sie sich begegneten, lag diese Spannung in der Luft. Sie sprachen nie von Morgen, nie von Zukunft. sie wollten beide nur die Lust der Nacht. Ohne Tag, ohne Alltag, keine Fragen, keine Antworten. Nur ein wenig ausbrechen. Was sollte ihnen auch passieren? Sie stahlen sich ein paar Stunden, verlebten sie gemeinsam und dann kehrten sie wieder zurück in ihre eigene Welt. Jeder ihrer gemeinsamen Tage war ein anderer. Sie wussten beide, dass sie einen gefährlichen Boden betraten und doch konnten sie nicht voneinander lassen. Sie spürten, dass es sich irgendwann zu...

I Am : 40 Reasons to Trust God (9780529120663)

Creator. Comforter. Healer. Friend. God's names tell us who He is, what He is like, and what He does. I Am, written by Diane Stortz, covers 40 of the Bible's many names and descriptive titles for God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, including Jehovah Jireh, The Lord My Shepherd, Immanuel, Rabbi, and I Am. This book offers children ages 4-8: Bible stories Short devotions and prayers The resources to discover the meaning of each name and how it relates to their lives Beautiful illustrations, age appropriate text, and meaningful content This go-to devotional is great for: Children reading on their own Reading aloud with parents and siblings Youth pastors teaching young children As children develop an understanding of God's character and His love for them, they will grow to know, love, and trust the great I Am more and more. Product details For ages ...

Book of Chakras (0764121073)

Understanding chakras is an effective first step in harnessing every human being's hidden life-changing energies and employing inner powers for spiritual and physical healing. The word chakra originated with the Vedic teachings of ancient India. It comes from the Sanskrit word for "wheel of light," and denotes the energy centers that exist in every man and woman. The Book of Chakras explores the nature of these energy sources, explains where they dwell in each of us, and instructs on how to use them. The author identifies seven energy centers in the human body. The Root Chakra, located in the lower torso, anchors us in life. From that point on the rising ladder of love and healing, we become aware of the Sacral Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Heart Chakra, the Throat Chakra, the Brow or Third Eye Chakra, and the Crown Chakra. The last, the Crown Chakra, located in the head, is the most refined and spiritual center in the human energy system. Chakra teachings describe...

Kräuter selbst anbauen : Schritt für Schritt zum eigenen Kräuterparadies (3833850647)

Anschaulicher geht s nicht: Praxis-Videos und nützliche Tipps über die kostenlose GU Garten & Natur Plus-App machen diesen Ratgeber zu einem Rundum-sorglos-Paket für alle Kräutergärtner. Kräuter sind Kult! Die vielseitigen Pflanzen verbreiten mediterranes Flair, verfeinern die kreative Küche und verströmen ihren Duft in Haus und Garten. Ob im Beet, auf Balkon oder Terrasse - mit diesem Ratgeber findet der Hobbygärtner mit Sicherheit das richtige Plätzchen für seine Lieblingskräuter. Zahlreiche bebilderte Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen zeigen u. a. die Anlage eines farbenfrohen Beetes oder einer Kräuterschnecke und erklären beispielsweise die Topfkultur von Kräutern für Fensterbank oder Balkon. Zudem hilft der übersichtliche Porträtteil, die besten Arten für das eigene Kräuterparadies auszuwählen. Der Expertenrat, wertvolle Pflegehinweise und allerlei Tipps zur Verwendung lassen keine Fragen rund ums Gärtnern mit Kräutern offen. Product details...

Public Relations Campaigns (9780195559101)

This book is designed to guide current and aspiring Public Relations professionals through the campaign development and implementation process. It illustrates the application of planning theory to real life scenarios to present a practical approach for planning a successful campaign. The first half of the book provides the foundations on which successful campaigns are built: theory, research and evaluation. This leads into an exploration of a series of contemporary campaigns that highlight specialist areas of public relations practice in Australia and New Zealand. This provides an inside view, mapping the elements of the campaign step by step and enables an understanding of how a successful campaign is built. There is also a focus on campaign analysis, comparing and contrasting competing interests and an exploration of campaign impact. Product details Format ...

Urban Heritage Along the Silk Roads : A Contemporary Reading of Urban Transformation of Historic Cities in the Middle East and Beyond (9783030227616)

This book examines examples of contemporary situation of historic regions in the Middle East and its broader geographic context connected to the historic trade routes, offering cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral perspectives. The region is home to ancient settlements and early human endeavors to form cities, and across the region historic urban historic features, such as ancient city centers, still exist alongside contemporary ones. Many of those historic regions are along the Silk Roads. However, the urban continuity that once existed over generations in the physical and social paradigm have been interrupted by rapid urbanization, globalization and urban economic pressures, in addition to conflicts and frequent destructive natural hazards. It is often the case that dealing with such pressing issues in a historic city is more complex than dealing with those in newly built cities and urban areas. Based on carefully selected and updated papers from the Silk Cities 2017 International C...

She Blinked : The Book of Me (1732490538)

This is a true story of childhood sexual abuse told by a survivor. A beautiful blend of storytelling and poetry, "She Blinked" will leave you speechless, inspired, and amazed. Follow Laurinda Andujar as she takes you on a journey through her life and reveals to you how to break free from the traumatizing effects of abuse and find inner healing. Product details Format Paperback | 196 pages Dimensions 140 x 216 x 11mm | 254g ...

The Globe Guide to Shakespeare (1681772604)

With full coverage of the thirty-nine Shakespearian plays (including a synopsis, full character list, stage history, and a critical essay for each), this comprehensive guide is both a quick reference and an in-depth background guide for theatre goers, students, film buffs, and lovers of literature. Along with an exploration of the Bard's sonnets and narrative poems, The Globe Guide to Shakespeare features fascinating accounts of Shakespeare's life and the Globe Theater itself, with colorful details about each play's original performance.This comprehensive guide includes up-to-date reviews of the best films and audio recordings of each play, from Laurence Olivier to Baz Luhrmann, Kozintsev to Kurosawa. The Globe Guide to Shakespeare is the quintessential celebration of all things Shakespearian. Product details Format ...

Unnützes Stuttgartwissen : Von Akropolis bis Zeppelin (3981595300)

"Unnützes Stuttgartwissen mag für jeden etwas anderes sein. Für rund 30.000 Facebook-Fans und unzählige Leser des Web-Blogs scheint Patrick Mikolaj genau das richtige Unnütze zusammen zu tragen. "Die eigene Stadt neu kennenlernen", lautet das Ziel. Was kein Geschichtsband und kein Reiseführer schafft, das schafft dieses Buch. Und weil das Internet so unhandlich ist, gibt es diese kleinen Wissenshappen nun auch als Offline-Version. Jederzeit griffbereit, immer lesenswert und mit vielen Bildern illustriert. Zum Stillen des eigenen Wissensdurstes, zum Angeben vor Freunden oder als Geschenk für alte Hasen und Neubürger: UNNÜTZES STUTTGARTWISSEN - Von Akropolis bis Zeppelin ist für jeden Stuttgarter und Freunde der Stadt ein Muss im Bücherregal." Product details Format Paperback ...

A Pocket Guide to Risk Assessment and Management in Mental Health (9780415702591)

Risk assessment and risk management are top of every mental health trust's agenda. This concise and easy-to-read book provides an informative and practical guide to the process of undertaking a risk assessment, arriving at a formulation and then developing a risk management plan. Covering everything a practitioner may have to think about when undertaking risk assessments in an accessible, logical form, the book includes practice recommendations rooted in the latest theory and evidence base. Attractively presented, plentiful clinical tip boxes, tables, diagrams and case examples make it easy to identify key information. Samples of authentic dialogue demonstrate ways in which to formulate questions and think about complex problems with the person being assessed. A series of accompanying films, professionally made and based on actual case studies, are available on a companion website, further illustrate key risk assessment and management skills. This accessible guidebook is designed f...

Alice in Brexitland (1785036963)

Lying on a riverbank on a lazy summer's afternoon - 23rd June 2016, to be precise - Alice spots a flustered-looking white rabbit called Dave calling for a referendum. Following him down a rabbit-hole, she emerges into a strange new land, where up is down, black is white, experts are fools and fools are experts... She meets such characters as the Corbynpillar, who sits on a toadstool smoking his hookah and being no help to anyone; Humpty Trumpty, perched on a wall he wants the Mexicans to pay for; the Cheshire Twat, who likes to disappear leaving only his grin, a pint, and the smell of scotch eggs remaining; and the terrifying Queen of Heartlessness, who'll take off your head if you dare question her plan for Brexit. Will Alice ever be able to find anyone who speaks sense? Product details Format Hardback ...

The Akashic Tarot : A 62-Card Deck and Guidebook (1401950442)

The Akashic Tarot is a tool for predicting the future, unveiling hidden insights and unleashing new powers. This unique 62-card deck is designed to access the profound energy and unlimited information that make up the Akashic Records, which are great fields of wisdom and power that transcend time and space and are immediately available to all. With each card, you connect with a powerful Akashic Force and open to the psychic currents that are always flowing between you and the Akashic Realm. Let this amazing Tarot deck transport you to the Great Hall of Records to find the answers you seek. Attract your greatest love, uncover your deepest mystical histories and tap your innermost power. The Akashic Tarot can reveal ancient and new talents, unexpected victories, imminent rendezvous, unmet allies and the steps to untold prosperity. They also open you to your spirit guides, Ascended Masters, angels and loved ones in spirit. With the turn of a card, you can enter the Akashic World! ...

Wonder (9780552565974)

'My name is August. I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably worse.' Auggie wants to be an ordinary ten-year-old. He does ordinary things - eating ice cream, playing on his Xbox. He feels ordinary - inside. But ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. Ordinary kids aren't stared at wherever they go. Born with a terrible facial abnormality, Auggie has been home-schooled by his parents his whole life. Now, for the first time, he's being sent to a real school - and he's dreading it. All he wants is to be accepted - but can he convince his new classmates that he's just like them, underneath it all? Wonder is a funny, frank, astonishingly moving debut to read in one sitting, pass on to others, and remember long after the final page. Product details For ages...

Aufmachen, Polizei! (3830361165)

Angereichert durch wichtige Sicherheitstipps und ganz neue Erkenntnisse zur Ganovenszene ist hier ein unentbehrliches Werk über unsere Freunde und Helfer entstanden! Ein Bestseller aus der erfolgreichen Viel-Spaß-Reihe jetzt in limitierter Edition 2007 in schickem Design mit Hologramm! Product details Format Hardback | 48 pages Dimensions 133 x 137 x 11mm | 132g ...

Die Keuschhaltung Des Manns : Eine Anleitung Fur Die Schlusselhalterin (1905605404)

Eine unproblematische, frauenfreundliche Einführung in die Thematik der Keuschhaltung des Mannes - ideal geeignet für nervöse Schlüsselhalterinnen oder als Liebesgabe eines Mannes, der von seiner Liebsten keusch gehalten werden möchte. Product details Format Paperback | 102 pages Dimensions 127 x 203 x 5mm | 110g Publication date ...

NVI/NIV Biblia bilingue (1563207087)

Esta Biblia bilingüe incluye tanto las versiones New International Version (NIV), en inglés, como la Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) en español, en columnas paralelas. Esta Biblia Bilingüe NVI/NIV es una excelente herramienta para el evangelismo, las personas que viajan a países de habla hispana, y para personas que inician sus estudio ya sea del inglés o del español como segundo idioma y que disfrutan de la lectura de la Palabra de Dios. Product details Format Paperback | 1920 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 41mm ...